What GPUs does the PureWeb Reality Platform use?

At present, the PureWeb Reality Platform primarily uses AWS G4.DN instances. These instances use NVIDIA T4 GPUs.  While they differ in many ways, the most analogous desktop hardware would be an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070.

We can also take advantage of the G5 instances, but these are not currently available in all regions. The G5 instances use NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs, which are approximately 3 times faster than the T4 GPUs.

Also, in North America we can access cloud instances comparable to the G4.DN, but with RTX5000 GPUs.

We don't prescribe any limitations on the number of polygons in a game package. However, the streaming performance is determined first and foremost by the performance of the game you provide us.

For a good user experience with a single concurrent user, we strongly suggest targeting 60 FPS in the streaming client.  In order to achieve this requires that the game model perform at a minimum of 80 FPS on an NVIDIA RTX 2070, as some performance is lost due to the capture, encoding, transmission and decoding of video data.

Additionally, while we do have a 25GB upload limit, we strongly recommend that the game be designed such that it can be packed in a 4GB or less (uncompressed) package.  The file size of the game will directly impact the launch time, and as a result, the time the user needs to wait for a stream.